AADIVERS Conditions St. Thomas, USVI (as of 11/07/24 at 3:25a EDT) Conditions updated every five minutes |
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| |
Temperature |
---°F | |
Humidity |
---% |
Dewpoint |
---°F |
Barometer |
29.736 in & Falling Rapidly |
Current Wind |
---°, --- at --- mph |
Avg. Wind |
--- mph |
High Wind |
0.0 mph at ---- |
Today's Rain |
0.00 in |
Rain Rate |
-0.01 in/hr |
Storm Total |
1.89 in |
Monthly Rain |
2.93 in |
41056 Buoy Conditions updated hourly; last update 11/7/2024 2:25:33 AM Note: This buoy is located six miles south of St. John, USVI; data is sampled 40 minutes before the time shown above. | ||
Water Temp |
85.1° F
Wind |
mph, gusting to
Waves |
5.9 ft
Today's Highs/Lows | ||
High Temperature Low Temperature |
80.2°F at 2:28a 77.0°F at 12:00a |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
100% at 12:00a 98% at 2:30a |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
80.0°F at 1:58a 77.0°F at 12:00a |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
29.814 in at 12:00a 29.735 in at 3:22a |
High Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr at ---- |
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